Sunday, October 17, 2010

Too many words.........

Thats what I was told today by someone that started to read my blog. Hmmmm, I said, "I thought blogs were to express one's self." Silly me! Blogs are there to show off pictures of your vacations, your children, your pets and your new boat!

Wish someone would have informed me of this when I posted my very first blog. Wait! Just had a brain storm! Pictures and videos!! What a novelty.

Lets see, I post all my pictures and videos on Webshots. Friends use Flickr or Kodak Gallery for this. So why would I want to clutter my blog with pictures, when I can post a link to an online album.

I admit, I have not linked a lot of pics to my blog, I promise to go back and edit and where I can pop a link in I will.

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