Sunday, October 17, 2010

Holidays are upon us.

For some the holidays will be the same, for others a bit challenging. As I sit back and ponder what has gone on these past several years, I really have to wonder.

Just read where old G.W. and Laura have bought their post-presidency home. Not too shabby, 1.13 acres, 8,501 square feet with 4.5 baths. Won't go into all the house details. Located in an ultra-chic area of North Dallas. They paid, what the media stated as top dollar, 2+ million dollars. Oh yeah and by the way it has separate "servant" quarters and a 450 square foot cabana!

Wonder who financed them, the struggling Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae? Or was this just a little rider on the 700 billion dollar bailout plan.

Hey I think it's great that they can afford to do this. Especially having "politically incorrect" servant quarters. Hell didn't we stop using that word a bezillion years ago.

So lets kinda put all this into perspective. Here is an excerpt from Order Code 98-249 GOV Updated March 18, 2008:
Congress enacted the Former Presidents Act (FPA) in 1958 to provide former
Presidents an annual lifetime pension, currently $191,300, and office allowances
administered by the General Services Administration (GSA). The FPA, as amended,
also provides former Presidents with travel funds and mailing privileges (3 U.S.C. 102
note). Secret Service protection for former Presidents is also authorized by statute.
P.L. 110-161, the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act, authorizes $2,478,000 in
funding for former Presidents. The President’s FY2009 budget requests $2,934,000 to
provide former Presidents with pensions and office allowances.

Here's the link in case this interests you and you are curious of total breakdown: ""

Anyway. Let me get to my point so I can end this. This guy, G.W. Bush, is going to be compensated $200,000+ per year until his death. My question is, for what? He totally screwed up this country; put us in debt; passed bailout programs without our permission. I just think if they determined the tax payer would fund these programs that they should have gotten our input; has put Wall Street in a whirlwind; need I go on!!!!!! You catch my drift.

We've got millions of folks that once were employed and are now finding themselves scurrying trying to figure out how they are going to survive. Yeah GW says he really feels badly for these folks. And then slaps them all in the face with a 2+ million dollar home and the kicker, they are keeping their ranch in Crawford!!!! Maybe their just gonna flip this new place!

All I've got to say is it must be nice. I wonder how he looks at himself in the mirror. Hell I drive myself crazy if I short change someone a quarter.

Oh well, after all, this is America, the good ole' US of A. Where basically the poor are taken care of through all our social, welfare and food stamp programs, to name but a few. The rich find new ways to claim tax exemptions. And the middle guy, I'm included in this group, gets screwed. We are the working class, the taxpayers, the scapegoats, the over taxed, the underpaid. So here we are once again sucking it up, making ends meet, until it gets better.

Wonder when that's gonna happen! By the way, anyone want to chip in for a house warming gift?

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