Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big trouble for the USA.

For years we have been going in the wrong direction. And everyone said it's gonna be okay. I don't know about your cities, but here in Little Rock its crazy. We have a population of around 200,000. Wish I had a breakdown of working adults, students, children etc. At any rate, we have abandoned shopping malls, car dealerships, Wal-Mart stores and the like, only to build a new location, bigger then what we had and in some cases right across the street from the old location, leaving behind hundreds of square miles of abandoned concrete and asphalt. I cannot tell you how many square miles of Fords, Chevy's, and Chrysler company cars we have here. Not to mention all the foreign makes.

Why did we need a civilian model of the military Hummer? Why does Cadillac have to have an SUV model? Think about it. And trust me its not just the American automaker, even the foreign models have gotten out of hand.

This country is in trouble, and bad trouble. And if we bail out of this, we're looking at a long hard road ahead to recovery. Call it what they will, depression, recession or as I term it "excession." We flat have had too much for too long and have wasted so much of it for too many years.

I still have trouble trying to understand why a president of a company makes the multi-millions they do. Obviously they've been over paid, it sure doesn't appear that their doing what they've been hired to do. I really believe their philosophy is "as long as I get my golden umbrella when I leave, it doesn't make any difference what I do."

If you look at the big picture, not only did the auto business get out of hand so did health care. We, the good hard working people of this country allowed the friggin tree huggers to put so many BS laws, rules etc into affect that the little things started costing us.

I'm 62, believe me when I was growing up, if I did not produce in work I got fired. There were no counselors to help me because someone died. There were no programs short of 36 weeks of unemployment if I lost my job due to lay-offs. There were no such things as sexual harassment. Should I go on.

We became a country of being taken care of. The middle class, bust their a$$ every day to make a buck. I would also bet that most have health insurance that they pay for and have to pay a co-pay each time they go see a doc.

Don't ya'll think that one of the problems in this country is too many socialized programs? Between welfare, food stamps, WIC, "whatever state First for Kids" etc. we are going broke. Hospital grant offices are filled with folks requesting money. One question on the request is what model/year automobile do you own? Cannot tell you how many Escalades, Lexus', BMW's and Land Rovers are listed. And we're giving these people money. Why?

I feel sorry for all the good hard working people that are being affected. I say stop the $$$$ for all the people that on these programs, give them a job working for one of the Big Three, and divert the social program $$$$ to the businesses that agree to employ these people. Just a thought!

So where in the hell did we go wrong? My dad rest his soul, preached, good education, and hard work is going to get you everywhere. Don't expect anyone to hand you this life on a silver platter. Sadly, my dad never got to tell the folks on capital hill this.

Other problem is we have too damn many professional politicians. Trust me our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves. Their idea of free government with people elected officials was not what we have today. They figured we'd elect Joe the Farmer or even Joe the Plumber, let them serve a term or two and then send them back to the farm or plumbing. Our government is tainted. You don't hear them saying we won't take a raise this year, or lets do what Wal-Mart and Target are doing to their prices and cut our salaries by 10%.

I used to use this statement a lot when I was in the military, "sometimes ya gotta let it break, before we can fix it."

We are in trouble, big trouble. And ya know, no one yet has brought up the real threat. There is some piss ant country out there that is waiting to pounce. And it's possible we are not going to have enough strength or resources to overcome and sustain. Somehow, I'm glad I'm 62. More years behind me than ahead!!!!!

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