Sunday, October 17, 2010

So what is it that I don't understand?

The US government announced another $30 Billion to the AIG giant.

AIG has already been given some where in the neighborhood of $50 billion in bailout dollars. This morning they announced a loss of over $67 billion.

Lets see here. Common sense here, yes I'm aware I am speaking about our government, however, common sense tells me you don't continue to sink money into a sinking ship. In one of my other blogs, I think I said something to the effect of, eventually they are going to go under, and when they do, they'll take all the assets of the company and every penny of bailout money with them.

Where does it stop? We are pouring dollars into failing companies in a failing economy. And then I read where Hillary Clinton is pledging $900 million in aid for Gaza. And this money is coming from?

Our country is in trouble, serious trouble. They are dinging the tax payers, borrowing our money, counting on us to pay our taxes, with hopes that eventually the economy will turn for the good.

Silly me! If companies continue to fail and people continue to lose their jobs, taxes are not going to be collected. Then what?

I may not be the sharpest tack in the box, but I can balance my checkbook and I know enough to not overspend it.

Again I say screw these big dogs. If AIG fails, if GM and Chrysler go under, at least then we, the people, know where we stand, and from there we devise a plan to survive. If we keep going the way we are, the "American Dream" will follow suit to the once acclaimed symbol of "Made in America."

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